784A.13/7–3150: Telegram

The Ambassador in Israel (McDonald) to the Secretary of State

top secret

61. Importance of Prime Minister’s disclosure reported below will I hope excuse my accidental violation of Department’s standing instructions re my actions in Jerusalem to escape Tel Aviv heat and attend Bach concert, I was in Jerusalem July 28–30. Being informed Prime Minister was in Elath, Mrs. McDonald and I had tea his residence with Mrs. Ben-Gurion where to my complete surprise Prime Minister joined us.

He talked to me privately an hour substantially as follows:

Eban is returning Washington with instructions sound out desirability of visit of Prime Minister to US this fall to discuss “on highest level” possibility of USG sponsoring three years program to increase Israeli population through intensified refugee immigration to two millions and build with American arms effective Israeli army of 250,000 men “capable and anxious aid US and UK and Turkey to resist Russian aggression”.

[Page 961]

Prime Minister hopes he “can convince President Truman, Secretary Acheson and US military that America’s vital interest would be served by proposed strengthening of Israel as only country other than Turkey in eastern [western] Asia willing to fight Russian aggression to limit of strength”. Prime Minister feels American Jews would give or lend money required beyond USG possible loans only if USG first sponsors intensified Israel efforts speed up immigration.

Prime Minister praised President Truman’s Korean decision as “bold and vital step to block Communist expansion and hence may prove turning point in history.” Russia, he added, is regime “based on fear, deceit, force and repression”. It “must be stopped if freedom is to live in world”.

In answer my question re Israel left-wing labor, Prime Minister said confidently, “Israeli people would support crushing any form Communist collaboration in event world conflict. Only few Mapam could possibly cause embarrassment and this locally”. Re-equipped and enlarged Israeli army “would guarantee Israeli unity in support of West”. If Russia attacked Israel’s strategic air fields “Israel’s new army could and would hold until US and UK forces could arrive”.

Comment: Conscious of large implications of effects Prime Minister’s proposal upon US overall ME policy, I gave no indication possible Washington response. Prime Minister could not have been more explicit in willingness commit Israel unreservedly to West. His statement is doubly significant because it follows and doubtless represents conference opinion Foreign Office and diplomats whose fortnight conference Tel Aviv and Jerusalem he attended. Although Israel’s attitude strengthened by increasing difficulties internal economy, I believe it basically represents culmination of realization by Israeli leaders that Israel can survive only in world freed from menace of Communist aggression. To defend itself Israel would fight against Russian invaders as desperately as against Arabs. End comment.
