350/3–2850: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Trusteeship Council to the Secretary of State


436. Tcdel 148. For Hickerson1 from Sayre. Last night I had private conversation with Bunche2 on Jerusalem question. When I intimated to Bunche that USDel, with a carefully worded explanatory statement, expected to vote affirmatively on approval of statute as whole, Bunche expressed misgiving and strong regret. He felt that such affirmative vote, in spite of explanatory statement, would be widely misinterpreted throughout ME and elsewhere as US revising its position against complete internationalization. Regardless of statement which USDel might make, only fact of affirmative vote would be publicized. He felt this particularly true as against background of abstention by UK, Dominican Republic, probably New Zealand, and perhaps others.

Bunche considers that the one constructive hope is that prior to June meeting of TC some agreement can be reached between Israel and Jordan which will protect Christian and international interests in Jerusalem. He said he was convinced from talks with Israeli representatives here that Israel is sincerely anxious to reach agreement and would make concessions but that the real hurdle lies in getting Abdullah to join in a satisfactory agreement. Abdullah’s agreement is of course vital since most of holy places are situated in old city. [Page 822] Bunche said that Jordanians are so ignorant of whole situation that he feared affirmative vote by US will cause Abdullah to understand US as switching its position and now being for unqualified internationalization. In his opinion, this will considerably increase the difficulty of getting Abdullah to reach agreement with Israel re holy places.3

TC plans to begin third reading and voting Wednesday afternoon.

  1. John D. Hickerson, Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs.
  2. Ralph J. Bunche, United Nations Acting Mediator in Palestine, 1948–49.
  3. The Department of State replied on March 28, stating that “In view Tcdel 148 Dept believes you should abstain on statute as whole rather than vote affirmatively. You should make essentially same statement as for affirmative vote pointing out therein that you approve transmission of statute to parties for their consideration prior to further TC action.” (Telegram 399, identified also as Deltc 40, 350/3–2850)