787.56/8–1650: Telegram
The Ambassador in Iraq (Crocker) to the Secretary of State
105. Embtel 61, July 27.1 Air Attaché (SMA) and Army Attaché called Monday upon Defense Minister at latter’s request to discuss question Iraq needs for military equipment. They were handed informally detailed list copy of which we have made available to British Embassy.
British Charge and Military Attaché inform me no approach has yet been made to them by Iraq Government. British and our military Attachés agree this list represents equipment sufficient for two divisions, one armored brigade and two jet squadrons at full war strength plus training, transport aircraft and equipment; would cost between 5 and 10 million pounds and is generally extravagant and unrealizable.
We, however, agree that Iraqi approach represents an earnest of their wish to participate seriously in war if it comes; it also would form basis for possible future request to be included in MDAP program which they wish extended to include Iraq and Syria in addition to GTI. Department will recall Prime Minister’s reference to “defense in depth” reported in reftel.
We feel greatest care must be exercised show sympathetic concern Iraqi request short of any commitments and I propose see Prime Minister shortly inform him (a) we have discussed Iraqi request fully with British Embassy, (b) list is being forwarded Washington, (c) Prime Minister will, of course, recognize that all questions dealing with Iraqi defense have been subject UK–US consultation and that (d) matter will continue be dealt with on that basis.
British will not approach Iraq authorities until after they have been told I have informed Prime Minister of foregoing.
We assume this whole matter will be discussed between Washington and London. I would appreciate and await Department’s instructive comment on foregoing before asking see Prime Minister.
Air and Army Attaché concur.
Sent Department 105; repeated info London 22, unnumbered Arab capitals, Tehran, Paris, Moscow.
- Not printed: in a conversation with Ambassador Crocker on July 27, Prime Minister Suweidi requested military equipment which the British could not furnish and suggested that discussions between military officials be initiated, (787.00/7–2750)↩