887.00 TA/2–2150: Telegram
The Ambassador in Iraq (Crocker) to the Secretary of State
Baghdad, February 21,
117. Deptel 44 February 15.1 Dr. Moore’s Point Four Mission in conjunction with Embassy has just completed weeks intensive discussion Point Four possibilities with Iraqi authorities and Embassy is now in better position than heretofore to comment on Department’s illustrative tables re use Point Four funds.
- 1.
- In course past weeks discussions, Iraqi technical departments submitted written requests for 64 technical experts. Although these requests represent only planned departmental programs and are not formal government decisions, they reflect Iraqi eagerness to absorb as much Point Four aid as we can give.
- 2.
- Iraqi Government stated its willingness to pay its share of program expenses, but current financial crisis may curtail percentage of Iraqi contributions.
- 3.
- Embassy does not anticipate insurmountable difficulties in arranging necessary bilateral agreements.
- 4.
- Iraqi requests for experts (like Department’s illustrative table) have stressed primarily fields of public health and agriculture. Embassy believes tentative allocations for agriculture, reclamation, transportation, health, education, public administration and finance projects as set up in Department’s table are sound (assuming reallocations can be made later if necessary as between various fields and as between expert and trainee categories). Embassy would put all fields in Department’s table in priority class A except housing, industry and telecommunications, which could be deferred.2
- 5.
- Over-all dollar total appears adequate for time being.
- 6.
- Embassy inclined to agree with Dr. Moore’s opinion that no general survey should be made prior to beginning work in specific fields. At earliest possible moment we should get program under way by sending small team of experts for actual work in agriculture, public health, and other fields headed by top Point Four administrator who could deal directly with proposed development board. Team of experts, after actual experience Iraqi conditions, could recommend specific projects to development board.
Sent Department 117, repeated London 41.
- Not printed. Dr. Ross E. Moore, an agricultural specialist from the Department of Agriculture, visited Iraq from February 13 to 18 to examine possible future uses of Point IV funds. For documentation concerning the origin of the Point Four Program, see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. i, pp. 757 ff.↩
- On February 28 the Department of State sent a reply to Baghdad stating their pleasure with the Iraqi’s cooperative attitude and progressive planning but pointing out that no commitments could presently be made for Point IV funds. (Telegram 60, 887.00 TA/2–2150)↩