768.00/7–2050: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations, at New York


54. Impact of UNCOK report on Korean invasion in SC1 and subsequent benefits to UN action from presence Comm on spot have caused Dept to consider desirability of having similar commissions on duty in event aggression elsewhere. Possibility of aggression on Yugo border indicates desirability for SC to send fact-finding and observation group to area provided Yugo consent obtained.

Suggested Comm wld demonstrate UN determination maintain peace and security. If aggression nevertheless occurs, presence of UN Comm in area cld be of great benefit as already proved in Korean case. UNCOK report on responsibility for attack in first SC mtg June 25 placed issue on different base than if case merely rested on contradictory claims rival groups. This undoubtedly influenced votes uninstructed reps. Communist propaganda subsequently at disadvantage in combatting report of duly constituted UN authority on spot. [Page 1437] Advantageous to UN to be in similar position in event hostilities Yugo area especially in view probable efforts to confuse situation.

In view Bebler’s attitude reported urtel 85 July 202 and action Yugo Natl Comite for Defense of Peace, pls consult with UK and Fr dels possibility SC action this matter and, unless they perceive serious objections, raise matter informally with Bebler, referring to Yugo Natl Comite action. Of course, wld be unnecessary that Yugo itself make proposal or even place matter on SC agenda. This might be done by other dels or SYG.

We envision Comm covering entire Cominform frontier of Yugo because of possibility widespread invasion, and further possibility of incident being provoked on frontier of any Cominform state. If SC requests Yugo to accept Comm it shld also make similar request of adjacent Cominform states.

While Yugo situation appears most critical at moment, Dept also considering desirability similar action certain other sensitive spots, including possible SC or GA action to make Commissions available on short notice.

  1. The reference here is presumably to cabled report from the United Nations Commission on Korea to the U.N. Secretary-General (U.N. doc. S/1507, dated June 26, 1950) concerning the military situation in Korea. For further documentation, see vol. vii, pp. 125 ff.
  2. Supra.