781.00/1–1950: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Yugoslavia
59. Amb Kosanovic addressed note Dept Jan 19 re press reports Grk Orthodox Archbishop North and South Amer protesting to Pres that Yugo unfulfilling unanimous UNGA decision repatriate Grk children. Note asserted names on Internatl Red Cross list submitted Yugo not in Grk spelling and contained no names of children now in Yugo. Yugo had requested new correct list which when recd wld permit it fulfill obligation in spirit UN decision.1
Dept, in view record Yugo dilatoriness and deep US concern above subj, has drafted reply urging Yugo fulfill obligation soonest. Note outlines identification and other difficulties as elaborated by Internatl Comites of Red Gross and League of Red Cross Societies to SecyGen UN Oct 5, 1949, implying good will on both sides required to overcome them. Dept note mentions Yugo has not yet made available lists of children requested by Internatl Red Cross agencies for year; reiterates UN decision children shld be returned promptly; asserts Yugo shld not permit technical difficulties stand in way; states conditions Greece suitable for children’s return; recalls Internatl Red Cross report suggested method surmounting identification problem by checking doubtful cases within Yugo; encloses exchange of tels between Pres and Archbishop.2
Tito statement (ur 98 Jan 263) most encouraging toward solution this problem. However, Dept believes in light Yugo Emb note and Yugo failure thus far to act, its pending reply shld be transmitted in order to reaffirm US concern and afford added spur to action. At same time Yugo Emb will be informed Dept does not intend make text public.
Ur comments requested.
- Ambassador Kosanovi?’s letter is not printed. A memorandum by John C. Campbell of his conversation with Kosanovi? on the occasion of the delivery of the letter is filed separately under 781.00/1–1950. For additional documentation on the question of the return to Greece of those Greek children removed to Yugoslavia during the Greek Civil War, see vol. v, pp. 335 ff.↩
- Ambassador Kosanovi? was called to the Department of State on February 24 to receive personally the Secretary of State’s reply of that date to the Ambassador’s letter of January 19. John C. Campbell took the occasion of the delivery of the Secretary’s reply to remind Kosanovi? of the Department of State’s hope that relations between Yugoslavia and Greece might be improved (memorandum of conversation by Campbell, February 24: 781.00/1–1950).↩
- See footnote 1, supra.↩