511.6121/8–250: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State


276. Deptels 57 to 60, July 20.1 Embassy concurs in general Department’s specific suggestions on reply to Gromyko and proposals to Soyuzpechat (Deptel 602) re Amerika magazine, but in view overriding aim to keep magazine going as long as possible even with reduced circulation, Deptels 345, April 21 and 364 [424], May 1, feels that now is not most propitious time for submission, for following reasons:

[Page 1223]
If maximum circulation rather than favorable record is primary objective some Soviet cooperation, however reluctant, is essential. Biggest test Soviet intentions since drop in circulation began is reduction in price. Hence it seems advisable wait until effects this step reported by Soviets. Pressing promotion proposals this time might be peg on which Soyuzpechat would refuse distribution.
Embassy unfortunately has not been in position to offer new issues of magazine on regular monthly schedule. There was interval of 11 weeks between delivery issues 39 and 40 to Soyuzpechat. Issue 41 is still in Helsinki for overstamping and will arrive in Moscow after mid-August. Interval in delivery issues 40 and 41 will accordingly be about 9 weeks. Embassy will be in better position to submit promotional projects when it is able to deliver new issues on regular schedule.
Presentation of Department’s proposals will have maximum justification and effect for propaganda purposes if poor sales on issue 40 at new low price are reported by Soyuzpechat. This report expected early in September. As reported Embtel 86, July 10,3 local observations of Kiosks indicated better sales issue 40.

As Embassy sees situation issue is whether to refrain from jeopardizing maximum sales of magazine or to gain perhaps two months time in making record for eventual propaganda exploitation. Under circumstances it recommends delay in presenting reference reply and proposals until report on issue 40 received. In view of refusal Soyuzpechat to return issues 36, 37 and 38 to vendors (Embtel 278, August 23) even though authorized to reduce price on them Embassy is accepting their return.

  1. Only telegram 57, supra, is printed.
  2. For the content of this telegram, see the memorandum of August 25 from the Second Secretary of Embassy (Collins) to the Chief of Soyuzpechat (Ramsin), p. 1235.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Not printed.