511.6121/5–1850: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union


427. Foil text note to Vyshinsky re Amerika referred to immediately preceding tel:

“In reply your letter Mar 31, 1950 re mag Amerika,1 I have honor inform you fol.

My Govt regrets Sov Govt appears unwilling continue carry out arrangement distribute in USSR fifty thousand copies mag Amerika, which it entered into by letter of Deputy MinFonAff S. A. Lozovski to Amb Smith Apr 23, 1946.2 Amer Govt hopes Sov Govt will reconsider3 this matter and express willingness remain faithful its [Page 1198] earlier agreement. Sov Govt’s frequently reiterated expressions its desire to further friendly contacts between peoples of world justify expectation it will make every effort prevent elimination this channel communication and good will from Amer people to people of the Sov Union.

Certainly it is impossible accept Ministry’s statements re lack of reader interest in Amerika on part Sov public. Emb has much evidence contrary; large numbers persons from all classes of Sov people have shown continuing interest in mag. US Govt must therefore conclude that Sov authorities concerned have simply been unwilling, for whatever reason, to distribute mag effectively. This conclusion confirmed by fact that reports from many different cities in USSR show Amerika partially or wholly unavailable to those who desire to purchase it.

This apparent attempt by certain agencies in Sov Govt to limit and impair distribution Amerika shows disappointing lack interest in developing cultural interchange as path toward peace and internatl understanding. My Govt, which, in present instance as in past, desires make every possible effort develop and increase exchange of ideas and info between our countries, sincerely hopes that Sov Govt will show itself more cooperative re this mag than it has with regard to other suggestions for cultural exchange in past years.

I shld like to remind you that extensive series proposals embodying full summary long-continued Amer efforts increase cultural and scientific cooperation between our countries was presented by Amb Smith Feb 1947, but has never recd full reply from Sov Govt. View this negative record on cultural and info exchange in past, Sov Govt has especial opportunity in present instance to show its good faith by adhering its agreement to distribute fifty thousand copies mag Amerika in USSR.

Surely, if Sov Govt wishes to help in this matter, some arrangement can be found which will permit mag’s continued distribution. Because its conviction importance of exchange of ideas between peoples, US stands ready make any reasonable concession in matters procedure and handling in order meet alleged difficulties Sov Govt in distributing mag. My Govt has already acted on statements Soyuzpechat officials that price of mag too high and has reduced that price from ten to five rubles. However, you will, of course, understand that production of mag, including time necessary for sending copy Moscow for translation and censorship, requires several months and must therefore, if Sov Govt handles the distribution, be based upon some firm advance commitment such as that given earlier to Amb Smith. If Sov Govt now wishes break that commitment for what it asserts be purely reasons mechanical distribution, my Govt suggests that mag be given permission establish organization in USSR to [Page 1199] handle its own distribution in same manner as is done in case of Sov Info Bulletin in US. Such arrangement wld, of course, include Sov Govt’s specific permission use postal system for both paid and complimentary copies and also specific permission to place subscription advertisements both in Amerika itself (as you know, all material for mag is submitted for advance Sov censorship) and in newspapers and periodicals in various parts USSR.

Until whole question settled I suggest matter of payments due mag and that of “unsold” copies which Soyuzpechat has been endeavoring to return to be held in abeyance. If overall settlement can be reached, mag may be willing bear substantial losses created by failure Sov Govt carry out its distribution agreement.

I earnestly hope Sov Govt will show its expressed desire for cultural exchange between our nations is genuine by permitting continued distribution of Amerika in USSR.”

  1. See telegram 1033 from Moscow on April 4, p. 1138.
  2. See footnote 2, p. 1128.
  3. The Embassy had suggested certain revisions to be made in the text of this note in its telegram 1454 from Moscow on May 23, not printed. In reply by telegram 448 to Moscow on May 24, not printed, the Department preferred that the Embassy should proceed immediately as outlined in telegrams 426 and 427, but agreed to the replacement of the word “reconsider” by the expression “revert to its earlier agreement”. (511.6121/5–2350) In telegram 1486 from Moscow on May 26, the Department was advised that both the note to Vyshinsky and the letter to Soyuzpechat had been transmitted on this day. (511.6121/5–2650)