762A.00/7–850: Telegram

The Director of the Eastern Element, HICOG Berlin (Morgan) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Frankfoft


47. PEPCO. Our 21 repeated Department 14, Bonn 3, July 4.1 Report on joint meeting Allied political representatives with Reuter, Suhr, Neumann, Schwennicke, Tillmanns2 July 6:

German representatives agreed in general desirable three parties adopt common measures fight Communism East and West Germany, though characteristic differences SPD from others remained evident during discussion, which mainly focused on how combat October 15 Soviet Zone elections. On this problem Germans agreed. [Page 964]

Action appropriate both in Berlin and in West zones;
Next step for Berlin, Reuter to call committee of party publicity experts (perhaps some other organizations also represented and Allied Observers probably invited sit in) to explore subject and make recommendations to political leaders;
Party representatives to report present meeting to respective party organizations in West;
Desirable parties pass common advice to East Germans on how act with reference to elections, but this impossible re voting until voting procedure known, and Communists might change announced procedure at last minute; also doubtful whether possible advocate expression of dissent in way which would not expose anti-Communists to drastic reprisals; but no doubt parties should maintain active communications with East Germans if only to show they not forsaken. Question raised what attitude to advise East German friends adopt on allowing selves be named as candidates single list. Several commented they hoped this new undertaking could continue type of cooperation which proved so effective in preparation for jugendtreffen.

Allied representatives remained mostly in background during discussion. French seem have most doubts about whole idea, British least. Our view only moderately hopeful, but believe matter worth pursuing both here and in West. Obviously important maintain cooperation between Berliners and West Germans, but within this framework trust Berliners’ greater awareness and determination may serve as useful catalyst other areas. Also hope some means of utilizing more fully in this field Berlin’s symbolic value as outpost of freedom may yet be found. This was vital part of original CDU idea of “parties in exile” which now seems unlikely be adopted by other parties.

Repeated Department 34, Bonn 4.

  1. Not printed; in it Morgan reported on a third meeting of the Berlin Political Advisers at which the attitudes of various party leaders toward the October Soviet Zone elections had been discussed. All party leaders had favored an active program and expressed a willingness to engage in an informal exchange of views on the subject. The Political Advisers had then arranged for such a meeting on July 6 and invited Reuter and Suhr. (762A.00/7–450)
  2. Ernst Reuter, Mayor of Berlin; Otto Suhr and Franz Neumann, leaders of the Berlin SPD; Carl-Hubert Schwennicke, leader of the Berlin FDP; and Robert Tillmanns, leader of the Berlin CDU.