124.493/5–1050: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Czechoslovakia 1


341. Dept unable explain apparent failure receive Deptel 330 May 82 containing proposed reply Czech note re reduction staff before transmission ur 683 May 10.3 Since latest Czech action makes recommended reply obsolete suggest fol note now be sent FonOff:

“I have honor refer to Your Excellency’s note Apr 28 and conversation with rep MinFonAf May 10 concerning question reducing nr personnel included in representation US in Czech. I am directed by my Govt to state that in view recent actions Czech auths with ref to US Czech Govt is requested within reasonable time close its Cons in Cleveland and Pittsburgh and reduce nr its total personnel in US, including all categories except representation at UN, in accordance with present reduced scope relations between two govts.”4

Foregoing text designed produce impact on Czech Govt thru brevity. Believe any attempt set forth full explanation reasons for our action [Page 559] wld only be lost on Czech autlis and wld rather weaken effect we desire produce. Background including recent serious provocative incidents wld be explained in statement for release by Dept press section so as make clear Amer public sufficient grounds for our action and provide proper basis for VOA presentation matter Czech people.

When you present note to FonMin you cld explain requested staff reduction is interpreted as two-thirds size Czech representation including personnel now at Cleveland and Pittsburgh consulates. Total present nr about 33 and reduction shd be to about 11. If question asked about meaning “reasonable time” you might wish indicate since Czech Govt used and interpreted expression its meaning in this particular connection shd be clear, pointing out at same time we do not under normal circumstances regard one or two weeks (ur 685 May 115) as reasonable period for wholesale reductions of this kind. You cld suggest our exact interpretation of phrase in this instance will be governed to some extent by whether or not Czech Govt adheres rigidly to its May 17 deadline. Not practicable for us to hold Czech personnel strictly requirement departure within week because probable inability make arrangements within that time for passage. It may be helpful to stress orally disruptive effects reduction our staff in Czech on admin and con services of benefit Czech Govt and indicate immed result will be cessation of such services for indefinite period.

If SecState sees no objection to this course present enclosed note within 24 hours after receipt this cable and inform us so identical text may be transmitted Emb here. Dept assumes Brit and Fr in concurring second alternative (Lons 2480 May 66) envisaged prospect appropriate retaliatory action on our part if Czechs insisted on strict compliance with demand for two-thirds reduction.

  1. Repeated to London for the Secretary of State as Tosec 176, to Paris as 2149, and to Moscow as 405.
  2. Not printed. It recommended the text of an Embassy reply to the Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry note of April 28 (p. 551) which was a more concise version of the proposed reply outlined in paragraphs 3 and 4 of telegram 2025, May 2, to London, p. 554. (124.493/5–350)
  3. Supra.
  4. The note proposed here was delivered to the Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry by Ambassador Briggs on May 13.
  5. Not printed, but see footnote 3, supra.
  6. Ante, p. 556.