123 Heath, Donald R.: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Legation in Bulgaria
126. Dept wld appreciate ur comments on fol possible course action case Bulgs continue withhold reply our note.1 It is of course desirable delay application suggested course until current obstacle removed but press becoming increasingly restive at our inaction. Prolonged failure by US to fol up strong stand which has recd practically unanimous [Page 511] support here wld risk interpretation as appeasement and be likely stimulate other satellites to further repressive measures which we had’ hoped vigorous action in Bulg might forestall.
Proposed course is within next few days you request appointment FonOff and if recd state present ambiguous situation unacceptable and’ your Govt desires prompt clarification ur status. However, if Bulg Govt prepared in fact consider its demand for your recall has lapsed and will not be further pressed, we will not insist on formal reply our note. We wld of course be obliged under these circumstances inform press and public demand for ur recall had been dropped and we were continuing for present maintain dipl relations with Bulg. You might also, if it seemed desirable and useful, inform FonOff your term duty in Bulg approaching its end and you will probably be replaced within few months in any case. We see no useful purpose in insisting at this time on Bulg pledge of future good behavior vis-à-vis US Mission, which wld presumably have little binding effect. You may wish however state for record that, if Bulg Govt does not insist on ur recall, we take that to mean it desires maintain normal relations with US and harassment Leg and persecution its employees will therefore cease.
Alternatively you might approach FonOff requesting appointment discuss housing or other matter unrelated to issue of maintenance relations, as means testing Bulg Govt’s intentions and providing possibility for their retreat on PNG demand if they have any such intention.
Another suggestion on which we wld appreciate ur comments is that, in case Bulg maintain demand for ur recall and we withdraw mission, we wld designate Min to Rumania as concurrently Min to Bulg, though he wld remain resident in former. We wld of course insist on withdrawal Bulg Mission Washington but wld accept, if Bulgs desired, similar accreditation non-resident Min. Purpose this action wld be (1) to emphasize fact we are not breaking relations but merely withdrawing Mission which due behavior Bulg Govt can no longer function normally and (2) to avoid accusation we are rendering inoperative peace treaty provisions which require action Allied Chiefs of Mission. We recognize Bulg Govt unlikely accept this arrangement but it might have value propagandawise and for record. We also recognize salutary effect complete dipl break in other satellites wld be seriously blunted by this maneuver.
Comment urgently these proposals.