763.5/7–650: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom 1
115. In light London’s 78 July 5 and Paris’ 96 July 62 London and Paris requested transmit invitations FonOffs to participate Wash [Page 480] conversations Aust army to begin Aug 1. For urinfo this connection Gen Keyes reports that Winterton and Caccia3 are reluctant proceed with plans Aust army. Bethouart4 considers present lack progress dangerous and thinks US and Fr shld go ahead without Brit, if latter unwilling cooperate. Bethouart reported as cabling his govt urging representations to secure Brit cooperation. In view foregoing you are requested stress to FonOff importance we attach Wash conversations and, if any Brit reluctance to participate is encountered, to express our view that proposed mtgs cannot be further delayed. The necessity of tripartite cooperation in Vienna on detailed planning and implementation shld also be emphasized.
Top secret classification in which we consider subject matter and following additional factors shld be brought to attention FonOffs: (1) Formal conference with formal tripartite agreements not contemplated; (2) technical working group discussions are planned for purpose determining logistical support to be furnished by each of three powers; (3) questions of supply and finance will be considered; (4) detailed planning will be worked out in Vienna after completion Wash talks; (5) agreements reached will be recorded in exchange of memoranda; (6) presiding officer will be State representative below Asst Secy level. Other US members group will include political representation and probably 7 or 8 representatives MDAP and military. Top military rank will probably be Major Genl.
- Repeated to Paris as 110 and to Vienna as 34.↩
- Neither printed; the former reported that the Foreign Office expected Cabinet clearance for participation in the Washington talks in a few days: while the latter reported unconditional French agreement to participate. (763.55/1–550 and 763.5/7–650)↩
- Major General John W. Winterton, British High Commissioner and Commander in Chief; Sir Harold A. Caccia, British Minister in Austria.↩
- Général d’Armée Emile Béthouart, French High Commissioner and Commander in Chief.↩