320/5–1050: telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
414. Reurtel 184, April 25 [29]. USUN has informally discussed slates matter for 5th GA separately with Romulo, the British and the French, without indicating whom we might be supporting for presidency. Romulo said he had heard of only two likely candidates, Entezam (Iran) and Padilla Nervo (Mexico).1 He had received some idea that the Latin American States may covet presidency again this year but he seemed to feel Entezam deserved consideration. He had made no trouble with candidacy last year and the Near East had never had a president. Padilla Nervo had told Romulo LAS would not vote for Entezam since they considered NE as part of Asia which, in their view, had furnished last two presidents. Romulo thought however that LAS would be “reasonable” if good cause were shown them why Entezam should be chosen.
Campbell (UK)2 said it was too early to be thinking of GA. He had heard Terence Shone3 voice this sentiment. Embassy London, however, now advises Department UK4 will support Zafrulla (London’s No. 2527, May 9).5
Ordonneau (France)6 said that while his Government has not formally made its decision it is pretty certain it will support Entezam: NE had never had president, Entezam is good man and had candidacy already last year.
[Page 94]Both Ordonneau and Romulo, when asked whether other persons such as Pearson (Canada)7 and Malik (Lebanon)8 might be in the running, said that Pearson would of course be excellent. Ordonneau said Pearson some time back indicated he might like presidency one of these days.
USUN feels it early to take any commitment, especially regarding Entezam in view of somewhat uncertain and delicate situation of Iran and probable availability Pearson. Entezam is probably leading candidate at present and unless LAS decide as a bloc to support either Padilla Nervo or Santa Cruz (Chile),9 whose name has also been mentioned by one or two colleagues, he will probably have best chance for election, again reserving question Pearson candidacy. UN Secretariat week ago indicated some slight worry regarding Entezam in view Iran’s delicate position (our tel 395, May 3).10
- Luis Padilla Nervo, Permanent Representative of Mexico at the United Nations.↩
- G. T. G. Campbell, Second Secretary in the Permanent Delegation of the United Kingdom at the United Nations.↩
- Sir Terence Shone, Deputy British Representative at the United Nations.↩
- Perhaps a reference to the British Foreign Office.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Pierre Ordonneau, Alternate French Representative on the Security Council.↩
- Lester B. Pearson, Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs.↩
- Charles Malik, Minister of Lebanon to the United States.↩
- Hernán Santa Cruz Barcelo, Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations.↩
- Not printed in this volume; documentation on Iran is scheduled for publication in volume v.↩