320/11–2950: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
Delga 345. Following are Delga decisions November 29:
1. Southwest Africa:
Draft resolution (Gadel 144, US/A/2921) presented to Del. It was explained attempt would be made to obtain disinterested cosponsors, including Canada or Australia but not UK, Peru, Argentina, Norway, Denmark and Iraq, and if del concurred, Department had authorized us to cosponsor. View was expressed that suitable Asiatic state, perhaps Philippines, Thailand or Burma, should be added to cosponsors. It was suggested paragraph 4 should be drafted in somewhat stronger terms, with substitution of verb such as “urges”, “calls upon” or “requests” for “recommends”, inasmuch as paragraph 3 accepted ICJ opinion and use of “recommend” in paragraph 4 seemed to imply Union enjoyed some option as to action re ICJ opinion. It was agreed US should support and cosponsor draft resolution, with change of verb paragraph 4 as proposed, choice of verb to depend upon developments in negotiations, and that attempt should be made to obtain Asian cosponsor. Senator Cooper remarked in his view two most important points were (1) that we should fully support implementation ICJ opinion; and (2) last paragraph resolution should clearly refer to methods of implementing rather than question whether it should be implemented.
[Here follows résumé of Delegation discussion of two other agenda items.]