320/11–2250: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


Gadel 135. Re Delga 3281 Dept sees no objection giving draft res to Cordier as embodying our gen ideas. Understand draft would read as fols:

The General Assembly

Recalling its Resolutions 296 (IV) A–I, and K, of 22 Nov 1949 concerning the reconsideration, by the SC, of pending applications for membership;

Noting that the GA has not received recommendations for the admission of any of these applicants;

Requests The Security Council to keep the applications under consideration in accordance with the terms of the above-mentioned resolutions.2

  1. Not printed.
  2. The General Assembly adopted, on December 4, 1950, a resolution proposed jointly by Brazil, Canada, the Philippines, Sweden, and Syria. The resolution had the support of the United States and noted that the Security Council had not made recommendations for the admission of certain states (Austria, Ceylon, Finland, Jordan, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Republic of Korea, and Nepal) whose membership applications were pending and requested the Council to keep the applications under consideration. A Soviet proposal recommending Security Council review of the membership applications of Albania, the Mongolian People’s Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Jordan, Austria, Ceylon, and Nepal was rejected. The General Assembly rejected also another resolution, submitted by El Salvador, which urged Security Council reconsideration of the same applications as those in the resolution adopted and which would also have provided for these states to send observers to the General Assembly. For the proceedings of the General Assembly on the membership resolutions, see GA (V), Plenary, vol. i, pp. 565 ff. For the United States statement, in support of the five-power resolution and in opposition to the Soviet resolution, see ibid., pp. 578 and 579; the position of this Government regarding the El Salvador resolution was also set forth here.