893.00/5–2549: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)
638. Gen Chennault has plan which he has made available to Dept for US aid in establishing zone running from Ninghsia to Yunnan which could be defended against Commies and would prevent spread Communism into Southeast Asia. Belt would include Ninghsia, Kansu, Tsinghai, Shensi, Szechuan, Kweichow, Yunnan and west part of Kwangsi. He proposed sending US mil mission to China charged with procurement, distribution, handling mil aid supplies for Chi armies in this belt and US mil advisers for training Chi armies and planning tactics, with US mil personnel down to company level. Chennault believes terrain makes this zone defensible against Commie attack, that predominantly Moslem population northwest provinces bitterly opposed to Communism and that sizable mil forces exist in parts of areas indicated. He proposed area be supplied by Chi civil airline transports how in operation from bases south China or Indochina and envisaged continuation ECA aid program these areas.
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