893.02/12–1449: Telegram

The Consul at Taipei (Edgar) to the Secretary of State

818. L. K. Little offered resignation as inspectorate [inspector] general Chinese Maritime Customs on grounds health and no longer need of inspectorate general with only Tainan and Taipei customs houses open. Finance Minister rejected resignation on grounds national reputation and morale but granted 6 months’ leave which Little is starting immediately but on self-imposed greatly reduced pay in interests national economy.

I plan cite this example praiseworthy, realistic approach to Government’s current desperate financial position and no longer useful organizations in future conversations Nationalist officials in probably vain hope others may do likewise. However, on own initiative Hollington Tong several days ago asked my reaction to Chinese dollar-a-year men, so some such thinking on general subject may exist in highest quarters.

Sent Department 818; repeated OffEmb Hong Kong 227.
