893.01/11–2349: Telegram

The Chargé in India (Donovan) to the Secretary of State

1453. Khoman, Thai Chargé d’Affaires who leaves Delhi for Bangkok on transfer November 25, commented as follows re China: Thai wishes follow lead of US re recognition Communist government. However, British recognition Communist government will make position Thai difficult owing proximity Malaya and large numbers Chinese both in Malaya and Thai. This connection, Bajpai told me yesterday Burma wishes recognize Communist government China “almost immediately”.

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Khoman said his opinion Thai Government not well equipped deal with internal disorders which might be started by Communists.

In opinion Khoman, UK and GOI recognition Chinese Communists will be followed by immediate transfer of allegiance those Chinese minority groups SEA which have not already gone over. He feels these groups may then be more, not less, difficult to deal with. He also remarked he was afraid forthcoming manifestation increased US interest SEA such as Jessup’s visit Bangkok and meeting of US Ambassadors37 somewhat belated as GOI likely to have recognized Communists before then.

Sent Department 1453, repeated Bangkok unnumbered, Department pass London.

  1. For Far East tour of Ambassador at Large Philip C. Jessup to attend Bangkok Conference at end of January, see White House press release of November 17, Department of State Bulletin, November 28, 1949, p. 800.