Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Chinese Affairs (Freeman)
Mr. Tsui26 telephoned this morning to pass on to the Department a verbal message from Ambassador Koo relating to further enforcement of the Chinese “port closure” order. He stated that a telegram from the Chinese Government at Taipei had been received to the effect that, beginning at zero hours, December 21 of this year, all Chinese territorial waters and ports heretofore declared closed by the Chinese Government will be mined.
I inquired of Mr. Tsui whether the Ambassador had received any additional clarification of the term “mined” but Mr. Tsui answered in the negative. He stated that his report should be considered as [Page 1188] secondary information inasmuch as the primary information had apparently been given to our Consulate General at Taipei. He also stated that, as the Embassy’s telegram had been received in the Chinese language, it might be misleading for him to endeavor to give any further interpretation of the message which might conflict with the phraseology which the Chinese Government used in communicating with our Consulate General at Taipei. Mr. Tsui assured me, however, that he would endeavor to obtain further clarification and would pass on to me any additional information on the subject which he received.
- Tswen-ling Tsui, Counselor of the Chinese Embassy.↩