893.01/10–449: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Peiping (Clubb)
692. Ref urtel 1674, Oct 4. Dept of opinion, unless you perceive strong objection, you shld take advantage of Chou letter to incorporate in reply reiteration our anxiety re position Mukden staffs It suggested you reply along fol lines addressing Chou in personal capacity as “Mr. Chou En-Lai” and stating simply his letter forwarded ur Govt and that you are taking advantage of informing him of this fact to bring to his personal attention deep concern of US Govt re inability ConGen Ward and his staff depart Mukden, contrary established principles of internatl civility and in spite of specific assurances from such Comm auth[oritie]s as you have been able to communicate with to effect that necessary facilities were being made available. In light possibility ultimate publication such reply pls telegraph Dept exact text your communication to Chou after transmission.
As possibilities of developing situation permit continue ur endeavors make contact, direct or indirect, with Chou and other responsible auths in order to exert maximum pressure for early action re Mukden staff and other outstanding protection cases.