893.00B/1–1949: Telegram
The Consul General at Tientsin (Smyth) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 19—6:31 a. m.]
86. Communist Army, as we saw it operate in taking Tientsin, is far superior to any National Government units we have ever seen. It is a highly effective military machine and its morale and discipline are striking compared to National Army. We do not believe National Government has the slightest chance of resisting, not to mention defeating Communist Army if other Communist units are anything like ones we have seen here. Its equipment (largely American in units which took Tientsin) is first rate and Communists know how to use it. Their strategy and tactics here were excellent. They did not waste ammunition except during actual Communist attack January 14, 15, Government artillery fired far more than Communists.
[Page 57]Communists, as we observed them, are determined to conquer China and seem fully capable of doing so. Viewed from here, with firsthand knowledge of Communist military superiority, the present discussions in Nanking as to what Communists’ terms Government will accept seem pathetically unrealistic. At Tientsin Communists showed a complete refusal to compromise and also demonstrated what happens when their terms are not accepted.