893.00/9–3049: Telegram
The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 30—8:38 a. m.]
1658. ReContel 1644, September 29. Common program of Chinese People’s PCC unanimously passed by PCC September 29. Common program covers organization of state power, military system, economic policy, cultural and educational policy, policy toward nationalities, and foreign policy. Unofficial English version full text given NCNA September 29. Session also passed provisions for electing National Committee of Chinese People’s PCC and Central Government Council. Latter will have chairman, 6 vice-chairmen, 56 members. Peiping press September 30 carried full Chinese texts of organization statutes of PCC and Central People’s Government. October 1–3 declared [Page 544] official 3–day holiday celebrate establishment here of “Central People’s Government of Chinese People’s Republic”.
Repeated Shanghai 1028.