893.00/9–2449: Telegram

The Consul Generated Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

1618. As of possible interest and passing interest in connection current PCC following; Liu Shao-chi has reappeared after absence from public scene 2 or 3 months. It was suggested earlier he had gone Moscow. Note relative soberness his speech PCC session in course which he (1) refrained from making heavy attack on “imperialists” and (2) indicated it would take long time for Chinese achieve stages socialism, then Communism. Liu incidentally was listed before Chou En-lai in CCP Politbureau line-up.

If Liu has in fact been Moscow, his temperance which is matched by perceptible falling off Chinese press attacks on USA past 10 days might reflect either new estimate given Chinese Commission [Communists?] [Page 537] war time table or Soviet advice Communists cannot expect any substantial material aid from USSR. It should, of course, not by itself be taken as signifying any fundamental Communist change of heart.

Note that speeches given before PCC to date alike are remarkable for their temperance in respect to matter foreign relations. Even Kuo Mo-jo, who has not yet been called on to make major speech, in short published command [comment?] for first time refrained from his usual vilification USA. Pixs displayed behind conference platform are those Mao Tse-tung and Sun Yat-sen. CCP at moment seems be making effort avoid appearance dominating scene.

Concomitant with convocation PCC by report there were arrested number former members Democratic Socialist party, Kmt Youth Corps. Same report indicated authorities intend pick upon present for “indoctrination” all major “individualists”. Such action which, of course, would shortly be public knowledge would naturally cause conference delegations be reluctant show any signs “individualism” at PCC. There are still no signs PCC will see real debate. Communists, nevertheless, apparently desire present good front to world generally.

Sent Department; Department pass Shanghai 1009.
