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The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

1611. Chinese People’s PCC opened evening meeting September 21 with 636 delegates, alternates, specially invited delegates representing 45 units attending. Mao’s opening speech (reported [by] NCNA61 September 21) stated PCC “declares that it exercises the functions of National People’s Congress”, PCC thus, in fact, acting as ad interim governing body, will enact powers and function of All-China People’s Congress before calling of Congress. Other opening session speeches by Liu Shao-chi,62 Madame Sun Yat-sen,63 Ho Hsiang-ning (Madame Liao Chung-kai64) of Kmt65 Revolutionary Committee, Chang Lan [Page 533] (CDL), Kao Kang (new People’s Government),66 Chen Yi67 (PLA68), Huang Yen-pei (Democratic National Construction Association), Li Li-san (ACFL), Sai Fu-ting69 (Sinkiang), Chang Chih-chung70 and Cheng Chi-sen (specially invited delegates), and Ssu-tu Mei-tang (Overseas China). Liu and Mme. Sun speeches complete in NCNA broadcast September 22. Other speeches summarized in NCNA September 22 and Contel 1605, Sept. 24.71

Praesidium of PCC is composed 89 members as listed NCNA September 22. Secretary-General is Lin Tsu-han.

Sent Department 1611, repeated Shanghai 1003; by mail Tientsin.

  1. Communist New China News Agency.
  2. Vice Chairman of Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party.
  3. Sister of Madame Chiang Kai-shek, Mrs. H. H. Kung, and T. V. Soong.
  4. Widow of leftist leader of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) before his execution in 1925.
  5. Kuomintang.
  6. Chairman of “People’s Government of the Northeast” since August 1949.
  7. Communist mayor of Shanghai.
  8. Communist People’s Liberation Army.
  9. Leader of Hi uprising in northwest Sinkiang, 1944.
  10. Former Chinese Governor of Sinkiang and Military and Political Affairs Director for Northwest China.
  11. Latter not printed.