893.00/5—1049: Telegram

The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 343. Han Li-wu, Minister Education, confirms that mutual suspicion continues hamper efforts unify forces resistance Communism. Generalissimo, he says, fears place complete trust Li Tsung-jen until he has demonstrated greater determination fight to finish. He thinks Generalissimo must have communed deeply with himself before [Page 302] sending response to Li, yet having sent response he believes Generalissimo will keep his word. He admits, on other hand, justice in Li’s insistence on full authority if he is to retain responsibility. He agrees Li is following correct policy in taking Generalissimo at his word, coming Canton and acting on assumption his authority will be respected. In some way, Han hopes that this vicious circle of mistrust can be broken and all resistance forces unified behind Li Tsung-jen.

Sent Department Cantel 343; repeated Nanking 264, Shanghai 223.
