125.8576/6–2449: Telegram
The Secretary of Stale to the Consul General at Shanghai (Cabot)77
1322. Urtels 2466 June 24, rptd Nanking as 1331 and 2536 June 29, rptd Nanking as 1382. Dept prepared issue statement suggested second para urtel 2536 shld occasion warrant and ConGen so recommend. Dept of opinion use tear gas or fire hose for defense might exacerbate situation and shld be avoided. Recommend police protection be sought if and when necessary. Dept concerned presence firearms in building, assumes precautionary measures being taken prevent their unauthorized use. Dept also assumes whatever steps necessary re their registration, or notification authorities that they are in possession consulate, have been taken.
- Repeated to the Ambassador in China as No. 70.↩