102.22/6–849: Telegram
The Consul General at Shanghai (Cabot) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 8—6:02 a. m.]
2153. ConGen has received petitioning letter and threats of adverse group action from civilian personnel discharged by action order without prior separation notice or two weeks’ salary checks upon disestablishment NavPortFac,38 Shanghai, 27 April 1949. In view current sensitive political situation, ability such elements exploit to utmost threats cannot be disregarded. Re ComNavPortFac’s 031533Z39 May separation documents not received nor salary checks in lieu such notices. See Administration Attaché letter to Lt. Blocher dated 11 May39 for full details. ConGen also advised by former Navy employees NavPortFac recommended request to BuSandA40 further 2 weeks’ payment lieu separation notice. No information here bona fide employees to be paid if such claims accepted. Advise. AstALUSNA,41 Shanghai, informed.
Department pass action to ComNavPortFac, Shanghai, information ComNavWesPac, BuSandA.