893.00/5–2749: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cabot) to the Secretary of State

1865. On May 26 two proclamations appeared in papers, over radio and posted on streets, issued by General Headquarters People’s Security Corps of Federation of People’s organizations of Shanghai.

First proclamation stated: “This corps ordered by authorities maintain order in city pending takeover by PLA”31 ordered people avoid panic, protect public and private property, and furnish information on war criminals. All Kmt32 soldiers and party members would be [Page 1158] protected, but must turn in military supplies. “All Consulates, their staffs and foreign nationals who obey regulations of Headquarters will be protected, all members of Corps wear special arm bands. [”]

Second proclamation issued same day stated Security Corps on duty day and night. Public transportation would continue operation where-ever possible. Factories, schools and businesses should resume work. Policemen should report to provisional committees of their stations for duty. Only Military Control Commission has authority to take over any institution and impostors must be reported to Corps. All people’s organizations formerly registered with Federation must register again at 627 Nanking Road.

Sent Department, repeated Nanking 1023, Canton, Dairen, VOANY.33

  1. People’s Liberation Army (Communist).
  2. Kuomintang (Nationalist Party).
  3. Voice of America, New York.