893.00B/3–1949: Telegram
The Consul General at Tientsin (Smyth) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 21—5:05 a. m.]
144. Methodist and American Board Missions report that during past few weeks Communist agents have been active in their schools. In Methodist school 5 Communist girls attend daily and have private talks with students; school classes now begin and end with Communist songs of anti-foreign nature; students formerly attentive and friendly now growing inattentive and somewhat sullen. American Board reports its school being influenced by Communist propaganda and American teachers not welcomed as before. Students’ energies and interest being focused on Communist meetings and away from studies. Communists paying particular attention to brighter students with leadership qualities; Both missions report evangelical work in Tientsin not directly interfered with so far, but their Chinese pastors who have recently made inspection trips from Tientsin to small mission stations in countryside report a falling off in mission activity due to Communist propaganda and actions, though apparently no direct hostile acts. American Board representative reports that Communist leaders in poorer section, of Tientsin where his mission located are of inferior education and status and therefore more bigoted and ignorant in the denunciation of “imperialism” and “colonialism”; their [Page 1070] bitterness has result of making their audience more apprehensive of contacts with his mission.
Both missions are of opinion, from presently unfolding pattern, that prospects for mission work under Communists are not bright.