121.5493/10–2049: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Peiping (Clubb)
725. Nanking Public Safety Bureau has refused issue exit permit Gen Soule, MA Nanking, who thereby forced cancel passage Hong Kong on Brit ship scheduled sail from Shanghai Oct 19. Soule completed all necessary procedures, including newspaper ad and application for permit Oct 6. Soule also furnished PSB with written statements (1) naming persons responsible for negots with Chi employees Asst MA after Soule’s departure, (2) setting forth principles on which negots being conducted effect final settlement with employees. Soule also explained to PSB officials during personal call that Maj Moyer remaining behind represent Soule and that all Attaché offices had disbursing officers staying behind capable making payments when settlement reached.
PSB recd ltr Oct 15 a.m. from certain US Govt employees (including ALUSNA97 personnel neither paid nor employed by Asst MA) requesting Soule be refused permission leave Nanking until termination pay negots completed. PSB stated it desired investigate entire matter and refused exit permit on grounds employees whether Army Navy or Air considered Soule senior Attaché responsible for negots. All efforts determine identity ltr writers no avail.
Dept desires you address ltr to “General Chou En-lai,98 Peiping” setting forth above facts and pointing out (1) Gen Soule has stated orally and in writing responsible officers Asst MA and other Attaché offices remaining behind with full auth negotiate and make final payments; (2) neither Gen Soule nor his rep is responsible for negots with Navy and Air employees who are among signers ltr requesting detention; (3) US takes serious view of attempt by local auths at Nanking, on basis flimsy pretext, to prevent departure of Amer official from China, in contravention recognized principles internatl law; (4) US Govt does not countenance negot under duress and will not authorize its rep submit thereto.
[Page 839]Conclusion of ltr shld request assurance Soule will be issued exit permit promptly and will be permitted depart by first available transportation.
Pls comment if you perceive objection this protest. Tele Dept text any communication sent.