501.BC Indonesia/2–349
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of Southeast Asian Affairs (Reed)
Mr. Daridan1 stated that he had been instructed by his government to urge the United States Government to instruct its representative on the United Nations Commission for Indonesia in Batavia to take no hasty action during the next few days as regards Dutch implementation of the Security Council’s resolution of January 28 so as not to hinder in any way the Dutch carrying out the plan that they claim to have for reaching a solution of the Indonesian problem. He said that his government is greatly concerned as regards this matter and feels strongly that the Dutch should be given every reasonable opportunity to arrive at a satisfactory solution of the Indonesian problem.
I replied that we would welcome any agreement which could be reached in Indonesia which would represent the free will of the parties to the dispute, particularly if such agreement is generally consonant with the Security Council’s resolution and prior agreements between the parties. As regards the Dutch “plan” I said that we had heard of Dutch intentions along this line but had received no details and I could therefore make no comment save to point out that any agreement which did not include responsible and representative Republican leaders would not, in my opinion, be a desirable one nor an acceptable one in terms of the Security Council’s resolution and Renville.
I added that so far as our representative on the United Nations Commission for Indonesia is concerned, I was sure he would take no steps which would prevent the functioning of any method of attaining a solution of the Indonesian problem, save where his responsibilities as such a representative required him to take action, such as reporting to the Security Council.
- Counselor of the French Embassy.↩