501.BC Indonesia/1–3149: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Netherlands
81. Dept has learned informally from rep Neth Emb Wash that Neth Govt intends shortly to deliver to you note requesting that Cochran not be returned Indonesia as USRep on UN Comm.
As you are aware, principal reason why this Govt reposes hope in success of settlement of Indonesian affair along lines of SC’s res of Jan 28 is influence which Cochran has with Soekarno, Hatta and other Repub leaders. Conversely, principal factor in our judgment militating against chance of success of settlement along lines SC res is influence of certain high officials of Indo Govt, chiefly Beel and Spoor. Dept would take extremely serious view of any formal request from Neth Govt that Cochran not be permitted to return to carry forward his excellent work, not only because of implication involved in any such request, but more importantly because of effect of Cochran’s removal upon chances of long-term solution in Indonesia.
You are requested to go immed to FonMin and using foregoing state that you are instructed to say US does not desire to receive any such request.