501.BC Indonesia/1–2549: Telegram
The Consul General at Batavia (Livengood) to the Secretary of State
116. Gocus 566. Committee sending following report to SC today1 with request for distribution members before meeting:
[“]a. Republican mission to Lake Success.
1. Committee refers to its telegram 21 January addressed to president SC reporting that committee had received request from Prime Minister Hatta to arrange facilities for Republican mission to Lake Success in accordance with procedure outlined at SC meeting 17 January. Committee presented request to Netherlands Delegation 21 January so that necessary clearances could be authorized. Committee was that time informed that question authorizing mission had been referred to Netherlands Government Hague. Committee has been informed that no decision has been reached by Netherlands Government regarding clearances and facilities for Republican representatives to proceed Lake Success. Therefore, Committee is not in position to make any arrangements for this mission.
b. Status Republican leaders.
2. On 24 January following letter same date was received by Committee from Secretary, General Republican Delegation (text in Gocus 5642).
3. At 2100 hours, 24 January Committee delivered this letter to Netherlands Delegation. Committee’s covering letter stated that copy of Republican delegation’s letter 24 January would be forwarded to SC and requested that any comments that Netherlands delegation might care make be given to Committee before 1100 hours 25 January.
4. At 1930 January 24 Committee received from Netherlands delegation letter dated 24 January transmitting telegram from Prime Minister Hatta quoted in paragraph 4 of Republican delegation letter 24 January. In addition, Netherlands delegation letter continued ‘in this connection I have been authorized to state that neither Netherlands Government nor Government Indonesia has either officially or unofficially stated its position regarding visit of Republican leaders to New Delhi Conference’. Netherlands letter did not state date [Page 194] on which telegram thus transmitted from Prime Minister Hatta had been filed, or explain delay in delivery.
5. Committee notes that ‘PCJ’ in Prime Minister’s telegram is call-sign of Netherlands station at Hilversum. Presumably, broadcast to which Prime Minister Hatta refers related to news item which appeared in English edition Aneta 20 January as follows: ‘Replying to a question, spokesman said Netherlands Government will not place any obstacle in their way should one of Republican leaders wish to travel to Lake Success or to New Delhi.’ Committee has subsequently ascertained from the ‘spokesman’ referred to that he was not at time speaking officially under instructions from his government.
6. On 25 January, Committee received following letter same date from Netherlands delegation (text in Gocus 564).
7. At 1215 January 25 chairman of Committee informed representative of acting chairman Netherlands delegation that in light final paragraph of latter’s letter 25 January Committee would be glad to receive any further comments that Netherlands delegation might have ready up to 1530 hours of same day. No further comments have been received.
c. Federalist approach to Republican leaders.
8. Secretary General of Republican delegation has forwarded to Committee copies of correspondence between chairman of contact committee of conference for federal consultation on one hand and President Sukarno and Prime Minister Hatta on other. In reply to invitation from chairman of contact committee to attend a meeting of federalists in Batavia in connection with formation of federal interim government for Indonesia, the President and Vice President of Republic have indicated that such a meeting can only be considered after Republican leaders have been released and there has been opportunity for Republican Government to consider invitation.”
Signed Lisle.