501.BC Indonesia/1–1849: Telegram

The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Jessup) to the Acting Secretary of State

secret   priority

62. Canadian and British Delegations agree to text of draft working paper contained mytel 59, January 18, and will recommend to their governments that they should support and vote for this resolution. We are hopeful that governments will support. McNaughton urged that sponsorship by seven members would appear to be ganging up.

Fawzi, Egypt, has agreed to support this resolution subject to contrary instructions from his government and is prepared to make final commitment to this effect by Wednesday evening. He is doubtful re sponsorship since he wishes to be free to “speak in favor of stronger resolution and possibly to support stronger amendments.” If these amendments not passed, he would support our resolution.

In agreement with Canadian and British Delegations, we gave text to French Delegation on confidential basis not to be passed on to parties. We advised we thought resolution in this form commanded support of seven members of Council. We expressed hope that changes we had made since previous draft would make this resolution more acceptable to them and enable them to abstain.

Am meeting Parodi1 Wednesday morning.

  1. Permanent French Representative at the United Nations.