501.BC/10–2949: Telegram
The Chargé in Yugoslavia (Reams)1 to the Secretary of State
1109. Besides featuring Djilas article on Yugoslav election SC (Embtel 1103, October 272) press in past few days has prominently reported UN anniversary ceremonies and has adopted flattering tone in reference to organization, describing it as “an important instrument for peace and cooperation between nations.” Spate of editorials on UN has appeared and public lectures on its functions and importance are being given by prominent personalities.
Djilas article appears to be of unusual significance, particularly in its declaration that problem of peace is not necessarily problem of differences in social structures of nations. Also noteworthy was objectivity of article and absence anti-American allusions.
These may be encouraging signs that Yugoslavia, in face threat of aggression from East and in its political isolation from West, has actually developed some measure of faith and interest in UN. It may not be too much to hope that Yugoslav election to SC has imbued it with new-found sense of responsibility and that hard realities have convinced it that road to international collaboration is to own best interest. Whether this chastening of spirit is real or only apparent, or whether it will be abiding, only time can tell. At any event it is evident that Yugoslavia will increasingly look to UN as shield from Russian aggression.
Sent Department 1109, repeated Moscow 157, pouched London, Warsaw, Praha, Bucharest, Budapest, Sofia, Department pass Moscow from Belgrade.
- On October 19 Ambassador Cannon left Belgrade to attend the Conference of Chiefs of Mission in Paris; for documentation on that Conference, see vol. iv, pp. 469 ff. Cannon did not return to Belgrade, and his retirement for reasons of ill health was announced on October 26. In Cannon’s absence Counselor of Embassy Reams served as Chargé.↩
- Not printed; it reported that Borba, the organ of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, presented a long, front-page article on October 24 by Milovan Djilas on the subject of Yugoslavia’s election to the United Nations Security Council on October 20. The Djilas article revealed great Yugoslav elation over the election in the face of Soviet opposition. For documentation on the Yugoslav candidacy and election to the Council, which was actively supported by the United States, see vol. ii, pp. 234 ff.↩