740.0011 EW (Peace)/10–349: Telegram

The United States Deputy for Austria (Reber) to the Secretary of State 1


Delau 310. Bebler2 asked me to see him this afternoon strongly to urge earliest possible conclusion of Austrian treaty. He said Yugoslavia was no longer arguing for recognition of rights or for territory but was solely interested in preserving its independence. In its present struggle for existence, Yugoslavia was convinced one of most effective single contributions which could now be made would be agreement for withdrawal of Soviet troops from Austria and consequently from Hungary and Rumania. As long as Soviet troops remain in Austria with no prospect of early removal, their proximity to Yugoslavia enables them to continue to exert pressure. Although Bebler recognized that troops would not leave Austria for some time even after signature, he claimed that agreement for termination of occupation [Page 968] would nevertheless be of immense benefit and would encourage people of Yugoslavia in their resistance to Soviet pressure.

I pointed out that there was as yet no evidence of Soviet willingness to conclude treaty now and further that departure of Soviet troops from Austria would not necessarily guarantee their withdrawal from Hungary and Rumania, as there were other ways of evading treaty obligations in this respect. He admitted these governments might request retention of Soviet garrisons but believed Soviets at present stage would be reluctant to face adverse UN criticism of such evasion particularly since without excuse of garrison in Austria, it would be difficult to justify retention of a sufficient number of troops adversely to affect Yugoslav interests.

Bebler therefore said his government hoped US would not be too rigid in attitude with respect to economic clauses of Austrian treaty stating that although burdens might be heavy, dangers of no settlement at all were far more serious. Both Bebler and Kosanovic3 appeared worried over present situation and said that although we had had many arguments in the past, they were convinced I would appreciate sincerity of their present appeal.

Bebler has asked to see me again after Thursday meeting and we have agreed to meet Friday.

Department please relay Belgrade as Usun 8, Vienna as Usun 3, London as Usun 18, Paris as Usun 18 and Moscow as Usun 15.

  1. In the autumn of 1949, the Deputies for Austria of the Council of Foreign-Ministers held a series of meetings in New York to consider the remaining unagreed articles of the draft Austrian State Treaty. For documentation on these meetings, see vol. iii, pp. 1146 ff.
  2. Yugoslav Deputy Foreign Minister Bebler served as one of Yugoslavia’s, Representatives to the Fourth Regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly, held in New York, September 20–December 19, 1949.
  3. Yugoslav Ambassador Kosanović also served as one of his government’s representatives to the U.N. General Assembly.