800.00B/3–2949: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
Washington, March 29,
1949—7 p. m.
991. Reference April 20 Paris “World Congress of Supporters of Peace”.1
- 1.
- Depts position toward meeting is same as toward recent New York Conference, i.e. While American people and US Govt welcome all sincere moves toward and discussions of methods for achieving peace, they have no illusions about such rigged “congresses”, real purpose of which is not attainment peace but glorification USSR and communist parties, vilification democratic nations and confusion among true liberals in view constituting two opposing blocks, extreme right and extreme left, and destruction “Third Forces” throughout world.2
- 2.
- Dept will inform Emb decision re granting or refusal passports to American citizens desiring attend Paris Congress.3 Emb views this question desired soonest. On release in USA such decision or similar newsworthy occasion Asst. Sec. Allen will probably make public statement expressing Dept’s view about Americans attending or desiring attend Congress.4
- 3.
- However since Congress to be staged in Fr, Dept will avoid any statement smacking of interference Fr domestic affairs.
- 4.
- Dept anticipates providing Emb before Paris Congress with material concerning Few York Congress, texts major speeches pronounced there, American public reactions to same (press, radio), and generally material which will permit debunk this perhaps culminating phase phony peace movement. However in light (3) above Emb. shld study possibility disseminating such material through Fr sources in labor, intellectual and religious circles rather than through normal USIE media. Dept believes Chipman,5 Tyler6 could prepare appropriate contacts for use such materials.
- 5.
- Since Paris Congress culmination series similar meetings to bolster Sov peace offensive, Emb might wish, if this appears feasible, explore possibility suggesting to Fr. Govt, that top rank Fr. official debunk Congress in advance while stressing that very fact Congress can be held shows France’s respect for freedom of speech and confidence in strength democratic faith Fr. people.
- 6.
- Emb may find opportunity discreetly point out to Fr. Govt, that weakest propaganda aspect for USA at New York Congress was picketing and low level abusive attacks by certain elements press radio. Lofty scorn for and ridicule of those who assume man infinitely and eternally gullible seem better weapons than violence, physical or moral, directed against those who would obviously welcome martyrdom.
- 7.
- Emb’s opinion urgently requested on desirability of prompting some strong non-communist Americans to request attend Paris Congress to present democratic point of view. This with idea that refusal admit them would expose true nature congress, acceptance would permit carry campaign into opponents’ camp.
- 8.
- Dept assumes Emb will require biographical data participating Americans if passports granted and Dept will endeavor supply same. [Page 824] Assumes Emb has data on participating Fr nationals. Unless specifically requested Dept will not supply data on participants other nationalities.
- 9.
- Dept will welcome fullest possible daily cabled reports (supplementing correspondents’ despatches), for which Emb may be able arrange, overtly or covertly. Special slug “For VOANY” to indicate material usable Voice of America. For such Voice material source or attribution helpful but not essential.
- 10.
- After end Congress Emb report on impact on Fr public opinion will be welcomed by Dept.
- Regarding the world congress of partisans for peace, see editorial note, p. 826.↩
- This paragraph was subsequently transmitted to all diplomatic missions in a circular telegram of April 8. The Department added that appropriate materials would be sent to all missions for dissemination through local outlets in order to “debunk” the Communist “phoney peace movement”. The missions were also authorized to inform the governments to which they were accredited of this official American view of the Paris congress (800.00B/4–849).↩
- In telegram 1124, April 8, to Paris, not printed, the Department explained that it was official policy to deny passports to Americans whose purpose in travelling abroad was believed to be subversive. The Department would not, however, deny passports to Americans to attend the “Congress of Partisans for Peace unless there was evidence in individual cases of subversive or clandestine intentions (800.00B/4–149).↩
- Assistant Secretary of State Allen did not, in fact, make a public statement regarding the Paris congress.↩
- Norris B. Chipman, First Secretary at the Embassy in Paris.↩
- William B. Tyler, Counselor of the Embassy in Paris.↩