501/11–149: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Barbour) to the Secretary of State


2725. Of considerable topical interest in view current speculations as to Soviet intentions regarding UN (Embtel 2688, October 261) is appearance 9½ column article by N. Evegenyev in New Times October 26 under title “Attack of Anglo-American Bloc on Principles”. General theme of article is that Soviets have been and remain faithful to principles UN Charter while Anglo-American Bloc, finding Charter interferes with their aggressive plans, are guilty of many violations of Charter.

Article credits Stalin with idea of creating UN, claims Soviet Union took “the most active part” in drawing up UN Charter and describes Charter as “built on principles which under present conditions further aims of peaceful democratic cooperation of peoples”.

Principal emphasis of article is ironically enough (view Soviet-Yugoslav controversy) on equality of great and small states as basic principle of Charter and of Soviet foreign policy. Author asserts this principle “closely tied with another basic Charter principle—with principle of unanimity of great powers” which “was formulated on December 5, 1944 by US Delegation in Crimea.”

[Page 670]

Anglo-American “violations” Charter then discussed in some detail including Interim Committee, UNSCOB, UNCOK, Human Rights in satellites “armaments appropriations” prohibition atomic weapons formation of “aggressive blocs”. Only passing references election Yugoslavia SC.

Proposals introduced by Soviets this session GA described as strengthening authority prestige and effectiveness UN while Anglo-American politicians attempt to “lead UN away from its direct tasks of defending peace and international security.”

Article concludes: “Principles of UN Charter form basis for fruitful cooperation peace-loving states. Struggle for these principles inseparably tied with struggle of democratic camp against warmongers for stable peace and international security.”

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