711.4027/6–2949: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom 1
2239. Re Belgrade’s 599 June 18,2 Bern’s 971 June 20,3 Paris’ 2579 June 22,4 and Rome’s 1926 June 25.5
For background info addressee missions only, general Satellite civil aviation policy currently under review and since present thinking in Dept is that policy shld be relaxed, at least insofar as Yugo concerned, will probably be referred NSC near future. While Depts present views re Yugo are that Western Eur states at least, and perhaps US as well, shld now consider desirability of allowing, and possibly even encouraging, exchange civil air rights with Yugo, Dept does not desire divulge such views other countries until NSC review general policy, including somewhat special case Yugo completed. It is of course appreciated that if Itals, Swiss, French, et al. insist upon following extremely loose interpretation para 7 (a) joint memo Depcirins Jan 56 adopted by Brit, they could argue present US-UK policy permits acceptance Yugo proposals. Pending NSC review Dept desires continue maintain its consistent position that joint policy shld not be construed to permit acceptance present Yugo overtures.
Despite awkwardness situation with which Dept presently confronted, Brit, Swiss, Itals and French shld be informed only that US currently examining desirability placing Yugo in separate category as possible exception to present general civil aviation policy toward Sov bloc; that until current review this possibility completed, which Dept believes will be in near future, US hopes they will avoid definite commitments engage in formal negots but express their willingness listen sympathetically full details Yugo proposals. With specific reference to imminent Yugo-Ital discussions Itals shld be informed Dept sees no reason why talks shld not be held July 8 so long as discussions [Page 206] are not considered official negots but only further exploratory conversations.
All foregoing pertains only to air transport aspects civil air relations Yugo. Info addressee missions only, while Dept also studying possibilities relaxation restrictions upon sales of aviation equipment Yugo it is felt this problem will likewise require further consideration in NSC review; meantime, instrs contained Depcirgram March 18, 1949, 11:10 a. m.7 continue in effect.
- This telegram was also sent to Bern, Rome, and Paris and was repeated to Belgrade, Vienna, and Frankfurt.↩
- Not printed. It reported that Yugoslav Assistant Foreign Minister Ales Bebler had inquired of British Ambassador Charles Peake of the possibility of opening discussions regarding a Yugoslav-British air agreement. Peake told Bebler that the British would be interested but only if the Yugoslavs were prepared to discuss the matter with the United States at the same time (741.60H27/6–1849).↩
- Not printed. It reported that Swiss and Yugoslav officials had discussed the feasibility of Zurich-Belgrade air services (854.79660H/6–2049).↩
- Not printed. It asked for urgent instructions relative to Yugoslav overture to the British on a possible air agreement. Such instructions were needed in view of probable necessity of consulting with the French Government regarding such an agreement (711.60H27/6–2249).↩
- Not printed. It reported on Yugoslav efforts to initiate negotiations with the Italian Government for a civil aviation agreement (760H.6527/6–2549).↩
- See editorial note, p. 184.↩
- Not printed. See footnote 6 to telegram 689, April 13, to Rome, p. 196.↩