The Secretary of State to President Truman
My Dear Mr. President: At my meeting yesterday with the Ambassadors of the Atlantic Pact countries, we completed a draft of the treaty. The Norwegian Ambassador, who joined us at the preceding meeting, participated fully in our discussions. The draft now goes to the several Governments for their review, and we hope approval. I am sending the text to you for your consideration and instructions.
This afternoon I met with the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to go over it with them. The meeting was most successful. They approved the draft making only three minor requests for language changes—although for a few minutes they hesitated on the verge of causing real trouble. They also raised no complaint about the inclusion of Italy and they saw no problem about the schedule outlined below.
The tentative program upon which the Ambassadors also agreed ad referendum is set out below, for your consideration and instructions.
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Yesterday, Assistant Secretary Gross spent several hours before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs discussing the broad purposes of the treaty and the nations which might be invited to sign. You will be interested to know that this discussion was very favorably received by the Committee and there was strong support for the inclusion of Italy among the signatories.
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Yours respectfully,
[File copy not signed]