Editorial Note
On June 21 David K. E. Bruce, who had been appointed Ambassador to France on May 9, reported that Foreign Minister Schuman had handed to Secretary of State Acheson an aide-mémoire dated June 16 that presented the following views: Noting again the concern of French public opinion over the absence of effective military protection of the territories of Western Europe, the French Government asked for clarifications of American intentions with regard to the proposed North Atlantic Pact, and particularly with regard to French participation in a limited military committee in Washington and to the possible strategic consequences that France might expect from the pact. Without such clarifications it was possible that the French Parliament would attach reservations to its ratification. Mr. Schuman accordingly requested the United States Government to renew the assurances given him in Washington in April. (Telegram 2534 from Paris, June 21, 840.20/6–2149)