840.20/1–1049: Telegram

The Ambassador in Denmark (Marvel) to the Acting Secretary of State

top secret

20. I discussed with Foreign Minister today Karlstad meeting.1 He stated it was agreed to form a regional Scandinavian alliance under Section 51 of UN by treaty obligating each country to declare war in case of aggression against any one but with this important condition insisted on by Norway and agreed to by Denmark. The condition is that US will agree to furnish arms to this regional group.

The time table for further discussions calls for meeting Copenhagen January 22 and 23 at which military report now being prepared at Oslo will be presented and also members of various political parties excluding Communists represented on three foreign relations committees will attend. Final meeting will be Oslo January 28 at which meeting Norwegian, Swedish and Danish Ambassadors from Washington will be present and instructed to return to Washington and prevail upon US Government to give its blessing to regional treaty and make available US arms.

Rasmussen stated Swedes would not now agree to joining North Atlantic Pact and all Swedish obligations under regional pact, if such comes into force, would be dissolved if any member joined North Atlantic Pact. In short, 100 percent Swedish neutrality.

I informed him in my opinion there was little hope of US undertaking to supply arms to such a neutral arrangement and inquired what would Denmark’s position be if Norway joined North Atlantic Pact leaving Danes alone with Sweden. He avoided this question but stated he hoped Kauffmann2 could convince US of advantages of Scandinavian regional treaty on his return from Oslo.

Kauffmann will be instructed January 12 to inform Department Denmark desires no invitation to North Atlantic talks until after February 1.

Sent Department, repeated Oslo 3, Stockholm 2.

  1. The Prime Ministers of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden met at Karlstad, Sweden, on January 5 and 6.
  2. Henrik de Kauffmann, Danish Ambassador to the United States.