Editorial Note

The Third Session of the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, meeting at Annecy, France, ended on August 13, 1949; and the “second round” of tariff negotiations under the General Agreement, being conducted concurrently, was terminated on August 27. There follows a report by the Chairman of the United States Delegation (Willoughby) on the meeting of the Contracting Parties, which was submitted to the Secretary of State on November 10. A supplemental report on the tariff negotiations and an unclassified report which were also transmitted to the Secretary at the same time, not printed, are found under File No. 560.AL/11–1049; their contents are printed in abbreviated form in an article by Willoughby in the Department of State Bulletin, November 21, 1949, pages 774 ff.

All of the items discussed in the reports are amply documented in the central indexed files of the Department of State, file series 560.AL; and there is copious documentation on such issues as the question of the Cuban sugar preference. Eight boxes of the consolidated commercial policy lot file (Lot 57D284) contain the files of the United States Delegation to the Annecy negotiations.

For printed official documentation, see the following: “Protocol signed at Annecy, on 13 August 1949”, United Nations Treaty Series, volume 62, page 113; and “Annecy Protocol of Terms of Accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade” (with Annex A—Schedules of the Contracting Parties, and Annex B—Schedules of Acceding Governments), October 10, 1949, 64 Stat. (pt. 3), B139, or TIAS No. 2100. For printed Department of State documentation, see Department of State Publication No. 3651, Analysis of Protocol of Accession and Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Negotiated at Annecy, France, April–August 1949 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1949). For a brief discussion of concessions granted to the United States from the tariff negotiations at Annecy, see press release issued by the Department on October 7, 1949, in Department of State Bulletin, October 17, 1949, pages 597 ff.