560.AL/5–1949: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chairman of the United States Delegation (Willoughby), at Annecy


120. From Brown. Dept agrees your appraisal difficulty situation re MFN Jap Annecy (US Del tel 971). However Dept strongly desires you do everything possible to postpone discussions issue till near end conference in order retain chance for possible favorable developments in meantime. For your info Dept plans present aide-mémoire Brit Amb and upon being informed presentation you authorized show copy Shackle.2 Gay coming over via London to discuss further course action.

Precise course action to be taken end conference can be decided then. Dept studying possibility raising issue context broader objective Jap adherence GATT third round negotiations3 with modified protocol covering period prior adherence.

[Page 680]

Foregoing course based on most serious reconsideration problem following USDel tel 97 and sympathetic view US Del’s position, particularly with respect effect US prestige adverse vote. Can you hold line? While Del authorized discretion decide action in case emergency, consult Dept if possible. Only in event impossible postpone vote and major defeat inevitable is Dept willing that you withdraw item from consideration this session in which case statement should be made along lines para 7 urtel Reply soonest. [Brown.]

  1. Dated May 10, p. 670.
  2. R. J. Shackle was Chairman of the British Delegation to the Annecy Conference.
  3. The series of tariff negotiations that would follow those at Annecy, the latter being the “second round” of multilateral tariff negotiations under the General Agreement (not to be confused with the third session of the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement, also meeting at Annecy). In any event, the third round occurred at Torquay, England, September 1950–April 1951.