893.50 Recovery/7–2048: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

1063. In view strong FonOff objections Emb authorized drop bilateral amendment negotiations (ReEmbtel 1322, July 2073). Dept considers it unfortunate Emb unable obtain inclusion these changes but understands fully difficulties involved.

Re para 5 reftel and para 2 Deptel 992, July 7.73 Specific Chigovt commitment promote increased production strategic materials remove hindrances their transfer still highly desirable in view of legislative history Art. VI, possibility future difficulties its implementation, and great interest Munitions Board in omitted language. These commitments perhaps generally covered by third sentence para 1 this Art. and para 2, but nonetheless best if possible obtain definite understanding now on interpretation this para in absence formal amendment. USGovt interprets “specific measures necessary to carry out the provisions of this paragraph” as including “the promotion of the increased production of such materials within China, and the removal of any hindrances to the transfer of such materials to the USA”. FonOff written concurrence this understanding preferable but if Emb believes FonOff likely object exchange of notes this subject, USGovt interpretation should be presented in form aide-mémoire for purposes of record.

Forward English and Chinese texts signed original bilateral agreement earliest possible date.

  1. See bracketed note, supra.
  2. See bracketed note, supra.