893.50 Recovery/7–248: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

979. 1. Dept gratified timely solution Article IV (Embtel 1202 July 2). This action, together with final decision Article V, paragraph [Page 596] 5, transmitted earlier telegram, clears the decks on all points of substance.

2. Please inform Dept immediately whether or not revision Article V, or drafting comments below, necessitates any significant postponement signature, which we now understand set for 3:15 p.m. July 3, Nanking time.

3. Following comments re text thus far received:

Must “United States of America” be retained immediately preceeding “expendable commodities” in Article IV, paragraph .2, third sentence? (Embtel 1204 July 2).64
Article VI (Embtel 1216 July 264) Phrase “including the promotion of the increased production of such materials within China, and the removal of any hindrances to the transfer of such materials to the United States of America” is missing at the end of second sentence, paragraph 1. Also, in paragraph 3 word “objectives” should be “purposes”. Numerous commas missing in text Embtel 1216, absence of which makes difficult reading.
Understand from telephone conversation Cleveland—Merchant, referred to Embtel 1202 July 2, that Embassy intends include only paragraphs 1, 5 and 6 in Annex transmitted Deptel 933 June 28. It is essential from point of view U. S. that paragraph 7 re Senate ratification also be included.

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