893.50 Recovery/8–2748

The Secretary of State to the Secretary of Commerce (Sawyer)

Dear Mr. Secretary: Reference is made to my letter of September 7, 19483 concerning allocations of aviation gasoline to the Chinese Government for the use of the Chinese Air Force.

I now enclose a copy of an aide-mémoire, dated August 27, 1948 from the Chinese Embassy,4 in which the assistance of this Department is requested in connection with the Chinese application filed with the Department of Commerce for the grant of a quarterly export quota of aviation gasoline. It will be noted that the requirements of the Chinese Air Force are estimated in the aide-mémoire as 20,000,000 gallons of 100 octane gasoline to the end of the year.

In reply to the Department of State’s inquiry in this regard, the Embassy at Nanking reported on September 35 that the U. S. Army Advisory Group estimates the Chinese Air Force’s current monthly rate of consumption of aviation gasoline at 2,500,000 gallons, an estimate based upon statements by the Chinese Air Force. In this connection, there is also enclosed a copy of a telegram of September 10 from the Embassy at Nanking6 giving further details with regard to the aviation gasoline requirements of the Chinese Air Force. This telegram points out that the U. S. Army Advisory Group has been greatly concerned over the situation although it is naturally not in a position to verify all the details of the stock position as described by the Chinese Air Force.

In the light of the foregoing, it would be appreciated if the Department of Commerce would take such action as may be appropriate and [Page 285] feasible to ensure that the quota granted is adequate to enable the Chinese Air Force to fulfill its requirements.

Faithfully yours,

G. C. Marshall
  1. Not printed.
  2. Supra.
  3. Telegram No. 1622 not printed.
  4. Telegram No. 1664 not printed.