501.BB Korea/4–2248: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State


261. Cite Zpol 510. Learned this morning that Jackson, Patterson and Milner1 of UNTCOK called on Kimm Kiusic shortly before his departure and urged him to go to Pyongyang, saying that if Kimm’s or other reasonable terms were accepted, UNTCOK might postpone election scheduled for May 10th. This might have been deciding factor in persuading Kimm Kiusic to depart as he had previously, while wavering, been leaning toward not going to Pyongyang and was even attempting to find excuses why he should not go.

As far as can be ascertained at present, Jackson, Patterson and Milner took this action without consulting other delegates. Some delegates were not even in Seoul as they were in provinces on observation. Hence, we have Australia and Canada still attempting sabotage the election in South Korea. I use word “sabotage” advisedly because anyone possessing (1) a little knowledge of Soviet policy and tactics and (2) good horse sense, must realize that nothing can come of Pyongyang conference for Koreans or non-Soviet nations except fool’s paradise.

Also learned this morning that Kimm Kiusic transmitted his “five point general principles” to UNTCOK by letter on April 19 and that letter will appear in UNTCOK restricted document A/AC.19/W.43/add.3, dated April 20. This letter may have led up to visit referred to above. Reference similar call by 3 persons mentioned on Kim Koo see paragraph 4 of Seoul PolAd 252, April 16.2

  1. I. F. George Milner was an Australian member of the UNTCOK secretariat.
  2. Not printed. The Department in telegram 120, April 24, 2 p. m., to Seoul, asked if there were any objection to informal representations to the Australian and Canadian Governments, and telegram 271, April 26, from Seoul, indicated there was none, although little good was likely to be accomplished “unless Kim Koo or Kimm Kiusic or both agree in Pyongyang upon some course of action which will bring them back to South Korea as (Soviet stooges for purpose of agitating against election May 10. In that event Dept might well make representations in hope of preventing Jackson and Patterson from giving them comfort and support.” (501.BB Korea/4–2248, 4–2648)