501.BC Indochina/1–1148: Telegram
The Chargé in the Netherlands (Bonsal) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
17. Foreign Minister1 has just informed me that Cabinet this afternoon authorized Dutch delegation Renville accept 6 points for political settlement offered by GOC representing slight modification of points set forth January 9 to Helb by Department officials (Deptel 9, January 9).2 Necessary authority telegraphed Batavia. Van Kleffens will inform Department.3 Foreign Minister states Netherlands acceptance predicated on signature truce agreement and its thorough-going implementation by Republic. Netherland Government has doubts re feasibility provisions in 6 points relating plebiscites and representation in USI accordance population. Cabinet unhappy at reference (reported by Helb) by Department officials in conversation with Helb to ERP and to US assistance in reconstruction Indonesia.