501.BC Indonesia/12–1448: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Belgium
us urgent
1651. Embtel 2153 Dec 14. Dept has seriously considered Spaak suggestion and authorizes you make reply Spaak drawing appropriately on following paragraphs:
Dept particularly grateful for Spaak’s serious study of problem, on which his suggestions clearly based, and praises his statesmanlike estimate Indonesian situation. Dept believes Spaak’s suggestion while having great merit has been overtaken by events of which Spaak could not have known at time his proposal made. Dept refers to letter addressed by Indo Repub PriMin Hatta Dec 13 to Cochran, US Member GOC, text of which embodied Gocus 4841 rptd to you by Emb Hague Dec 14. If Spaak has not recd text this letter you should supply him with it on conf basis. Dept believes Hatta letter provides reasonable basis Resumption negotiations and reflects conciliatory attitude Repub Govt. Dept is heartened by press reports effect Neth regards Hatta letter important concession and has delayed formation interim govt without Repub at least for time being. Dept believes that if Hatta letter provides basis for resumption bona fide negotiations Neth and Indo Repub, no high level meeting GOC Govts and parties to dispute required, since substantial agreement having been reached on other [Page 564] than military issues, it would remain for negotiators only to reduce to definite form understandings of somewhat technical character which are suggested in Hatta’s letter.
Dept also believes full dress meeting three FonMins representing GOC powers would, because of great personal prestige of Spaak and prestige offices held by other conferees, change character GOC from that of good offices to something approaching mediation commission; recommendations of such a commission would probably be regarded by disputants as imposing solution upon them by the three GOC powers. Dept has long considered that because of very nature problem, Indonesian dispute must be settled if possible through peaceful negotiation to end that voluntary settlement be achieved rather than through imposition on both parties of solution which neither would consider satisfactory and for which neither would feel responsible.
Dept considers one most attractive aspects Spaak’s suggestion that it would provide US Govt with prospect visit by Spaak to Wash. While Dept does not consider there is particular need Spaak’s presence Wash now, it would like him know it values his counsel and advice at all times and would welcome his presence Wash any time he feels circumstances most propitious.
Dept considers Spaak’s influence in Western European affairs in general and with Neth Govt in particular as great and perhaps insofar as the Indonesian question is concerned, decisive. It would suggest to Spaak therefore desirability his making his views on Indo problem clear to Neth Govt on highest level to end that a settlement be achieved at earliest possible moment of this problem, solution of which is so important to success Brussels’ system and strengthening of anti-Communist forces in Asia and throughout world.